
Admission time and hours: From 7 am to 14 pm, every day except for holidays

Phone number: +98 21 8245 2210 and +98 21 8245 2209

Location: Second floor


1. The night before lithotripsy, eat a light meal and consume a glass of kerosene oil or four Bisacodyl tablets one or two hours later.

2. Be fast at least 6 hours before lithotripsy and avoid eating breakfast (even biscuit) and drinking tea at the lithotripsy morning.

3. Blood thinners such as aspirin, warfarin, plavix, dipyridamole, and asacol should be discontinued 5 days before lithotripsy according to the opinion of the treating physician.

4. Inform the lithotripsy department officials about specific illnesses, such as heart disease, asthma, hypertension, diabetes, hemophilia, thalassemia or any other disease.

5. Except blood thinners, medicines for hypertension, heart, thyroid, and blood glucose can be consumed with some water.

6. Pregnant women should inform the lithotripsy department officials about their pregnancy.

7. Remove denture, if there is one, before lithotripsy.

8. Patients with ureteral stones should have a plain radiography of the last two or three days.

9. Patients with ureteral and bladder stones should not urinate.

 Post-discharge training:

·      Drink plenty of fluids such as water, light tea, and other beverages, depending on the diet, up to a few days after the lithotripsy.

·      Move and be active as much as possible.

·      In the event of pain, use an analgesic every 8 hours.

·      In the event of fever and chills, abnormal bleeding, severe pain that does not relief with analgesics, and urinary retention, visit a doctor or the emergency department.

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