Catheterization Lab

Phone number: +98 21 8245 2617

Location: Sixth floor

Using the state-of-the-art devices, the Catheterization Lab provides the patients with diagnostic coronary angiography, carotid artery and cerebrovascular angiography, renal artery angiography, foot vessels angiography, lower extremity artery angiography, cardiac and coronary artery angiography through hand (radial), coronary angioplasty (heart treatment), carotid artery angioplasty, renal artery angioplasty, mitral valve valvuloplasty, single- and dual-chamber pacemaker insertion, ICD insertion, and ICD filter insertion. According to the degree of vascular stenosis, special medicines and diets are administrated, and if vascular stenosis exceeds 70%, the patient undergoes angioplasty using a stent insertion balloon. Echocardiography and exercise test should be performed before angiography, which can be done in the Echocardiography Clinic.

There are other essential pieces of equipment, including the most modern echocardiography and ECG devices.

There are also the latest balloons and stents in this department, which are selected according to the conditions of patients (age, diabetes, etc.). This is also true for guidewire and catheters used in the department.

This department includes one angiographic room and one 3-bed recovery room.

The working hours are from 7 am to 15 pm; however, the services are provided for emergency patients by a resident cardiologist and on-call experienced staff.

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